- class entity
A scene entity, created using
that exists as part of the scene hierarchy. Entity behaviour and visuals are customised by addings various types of components or assets, such assprite.slice
There are shortcut properties to attach some common components, while others are built-in (such as transforms, names and relationships)
- active: boolean¶
The active state of this entity, when inactive an entity will not be rendered, simulate physics or respond to automatic callbacks
function setup() scene.main = scene.default3d() red = material.lit() red.baseColor = color.red red.roughness = 1 green = material.lit() green.baseColor = color.green green.roughness = 1 blue = material.lit() blue.baseColor = color.blue blue.roughness = 1 -- Create some sphere that orbit each other with parenting e1 = scene.main:entity() e1.mesh = mesh.sphere(1.0) e1.mesh.material = red e1.update = function(entity, dt) entity.rotation = quat.eulerAngles(0, 0, time.elapsed * 90) end e2 = e1:child() e2.y = -2.5 e2.mesh = mesh.sphere(0.5) e2.mesh.material = green e2.update = e1.update e3 = e2:child() e3.y = -1 e3.mesh = mesh.sphere(0.25) e3.mesh.material = blue -- Test switching entity active states on and off for bits of the hierarchy parameter.boolean("E1_Active", true, function(b) e1.active = b end) parameter.watch("e1.activeInHierarchy") parameter.boolean("E2_Active", true, function(b) e2.active = b end) parameter.watch("e2.activeInHierarchy") parameter.boolean("E3_Active", true, function(b) e3.active = b end) parameter.watch("e3.activeInHierarchy") end
- activeInHierarchy: boolean [readonly]¶
The computed active in hierarchy state of this entity. Only
when all parents up to the root are active as well
- valid: boolean¶
Checks the validity of this entity. When an entity is destroyed it is invalid and can no longer be used. non-valid entities will raise errors when calling functions or accessing properties
- name: string¶
The name of the entity, useful wehen referring to the entity later using the
indexersscene.main = scene() scene.main:entity("ball") -- create a new entity named 'ball' print(scene.main.ball) -- retrieve the entity named 'ball'
- destroy([delay])¶
Marks this entity for destruction in the next
, or after adelay
(in seconds), further access to this entity after destruction will result in errorsExample
function setup() scene.main = scene.default3d() e = scene.main:entity() e.rotation = quat.eulerAngles(45, 45, 45) e.mesh = mesh.box(1,1,1) e.mesh.material = material.lit() -- Destroy after 1 second when touched e.touched = function(entity, touch) if touch.began then entity:destroy(1) end end -- Play hurt sound when destroyed e.destroyed = function() sound.play(SOUND_HURT) end end
- add(component, ...)¶
Adds a component to this entity, there are several types of objects that can act as entities
- Lua classes/components
Anything you can dream of…
- built-in classes
- assets
scene.main = scene() local sphere = scene.main:entity() sphere:add(mesh.sphere(1)) -- Add a sphere mesh to the entity -- Add an orbit rig to the camera (supersedes OrbitViewer from Craft) scene.camera:add(camera.rigs.orbit) -- Hypothetical day-night cycle Lua component for making the same orbit the planet scene.sun:add(DayNightCycle, 60)
Note on Lua classes/components
When calling
entity:add(component, ...)
with a Lua class, all parameters will be forwarded to thecreated(...)
event after the component’s construction, allowing for customised initialisation
- remove(component)¶
Removes a given component type from this entity
scene.main = scene() local sphere = scene.main:entity() sphere:add(mesh.sphere(1)) -- add a sphere mesh to the entity sphere:remove(mesh) -- remove the sphere mesh
- has(component)¶
Checks if a component type is attached to this entity
scene.main = scene() local sphere = scene.main:entity() sphere:add(mesh.sphere(1)) -- add a sphere mesh to the entity print(sphere:has(mesh)) -- prints 'true'
- get(component)¶
Retrieves a component type attached to this entity
scene.main = scene() local sphere = scene.main:entity() sphere:add(mesh.sphere(1)) -- add a sphere mesh to the entity print(sphere:get(mesh)) -- prints the mesh description
- components: table<component>¶
Retrieves a list of all components attached to this entity
- dispatch(name, ...)¶
Calls the method
on this entity (including any custom methods) and any attached custom lua components. Additional arguments will be passed to the method as well- Parameters:
name – The name of the method to call
- Type:
- parent: entity¶
The parent of this entity or
if it is a root entity
- root: entity¶
The root parent entity in the scene heirarchy (or self if this entity has no parent)
- children: table<entity>¶
A list of all immediate children of this entity
- childCount: integer¶
The number of children that this entity possesses
- depth: integer¶
The depth of this entity in the hierarchy (roots have a depth of 0)
- index(name) [metamethod]
Retrieves children with the supplied name using the property syntax (i.e.
)Note that this will not work if the child name is an existing property or method name in the entity class
- child(name)¶
Creates a new child entity of this entity
- findChild(name)¶
- Returns:
Finds the child named
if it does not exist
- childAt(index)¶
- Returns:
The child entity at a given index (between 1..childCount) or
if an invalid index is supplied
- moveBefore(entity)¶
Rearranges this entity to appear before the supplied
in the transform hierarchyNote this may result in an entity’s parent changing to make it the sibling or another entity
- moveAfter(entity)¶
Rearranges this entity to appear after the supplied
in the transform hierarchyNote this may result in an entity’s parent changing to make it the sibling or another entity
- position: vec3¶
The position of the entity in local 3D space
- worldPosition: vec3¶
The position of the entity in global 3D space
- scale: vec3¶
The scale of the entity in local 3D space
- uniformScale: number¶
The uniform scale of the entity in local 3D space
- rotation: quat¶
The rotation of the entity in local 3D space
- worldRotation: quat¶
The rotation of the entity in world 3D space
- eulerRotation: vec3¶
The euler rotation of the entity in local 3D space (in degrees)
- x: number¶
The x position of the entity in local 3D space
- y: number¶
The y position of the entity in local 3D space
- z: number¶
The z position of the entity in local 3D space
- sx: number¶
The x scale of the entity in local 3D space
- sy: number¶
The y scale of the entity in local 3D space
- sz: number¶
The z scale of the entity in local 3D space
- rx: number¶
The euler rotation around the local x axis of the entity in degrees
- ry: number¶
The euler rotation around the local y axis of the entity in degrees
- rz: number¶
The euler rotation around the local z axis of the entity in degrees
- forward: number¶
The positive z axis of this entity’s coordinate space transformed into world space
- right: number¶
The positive x axis of this entity’s coordinate space transformed into world space
- up: number¶
The positive y axis of this entity’s coordinate space transformed into world space
- transformPoint(localPoint)¶
Transform a point from local to world space
- Parameters:
localPoint (
) – The point to transform
- inverseTransformPoint(worldPoint)¶
Transform a point from world to local space
- Parameters:
worldPoint (
) – The point to transform
- transformDirection(localDir)¶
Transform a vector from local to world space
- Parameters:
localDir (
) – The vector to transform
- inverseTransformDirection(worldDir)¶
Transform a vector from world to local space
- Parameters:
worldDir (
) – The vector to transform
- translate(x, y[, z])¶
Moves the entity by the provided translation vector in local space
Also supports
Sprite Properties
- sprite: image.slice¶
The sprite (
) attached to this entity. This will be drawn at the entities’ transform within the scene
- color: color¶
The tint color to use
- flipX: boolean¶
Flips the sprite on the x-axis
- flipY: boolean¶
Flips the sprite on the y-axis
Mesh Properties
- mesh: mesh¶
The mesh attached to this entity. This will be drawn the entities’ transform within the scene
- material: material¶
The material attached to this entity (used in conjunction with meshes/sprites)
UI Properties / Methods
- size: vec2¶
The size of the UI element
- anchorX: enum¶
The horizontal anchoring of this UI element within its parent coordinate system
- anchorY: enum¶
The vertical anchoring of this UI element within its parent coordinate system
- pivot: vec2¶
The pivot point, representing the center of the UI element (in normalized coordinates)
- clip: boolean¶
When enabled, clips drawing to within the bounds of the UI element
Physics2D Properties
- body2d: physics2d.body¶
The attached 2D physics body (if there is one)
- collider2d: physics2d.collider¶
The first attached 2D physics collider (if there is one)
- colliders2d: table<physics2d.collider>¶
All attached 2D physics colliders
- joints2d: table<physics2d.joint>¶
All attached 2D physics joints
Physics3D Properties
- body3d: physics3d.body¶
The attached 3D physics body (if there is one)
- collider3d: physics3d.collider¶
The first attached 3D physics collider (if there is one)
- colliders3d: table<physics3d.collider>¶
All attached 3D physics colliders
- joints3d: table<physics3d.joint>¶
All attached 3D physics joints
Lifecycle Callbacks
A series of handy callbacks that can be set which will be invoked automatically by scene systems
- created: function¶
Callback for the created(…) event, which is called right after a Lua component is created, and forwards all parameters passed from the
entity:add(component, ...)
functionSelfDestructor = class('SelfDestructor') -- Called when created but no parameters are forwarded here function SelfDestructor:init() end -- Use for custom component initialization, all parameters forwarded to here function SelfDestructor:created(delay) print("I will self destruct in ", delay, " seconds") self.entity:destroy(delay) end ... local ent = main.scene:entity() ent:add(SelfDestructor, 3) -- prints "I will self destruct in 3 seconds"
- destroyed: function¶
Callback for the destroyed() event, which is called right before the entity is destroyed
Physics Callbacks
- collisionBegan2d: function¶
Callback for the
event, which is called when a collision occurs with a physics2d.body attached to this entity
- collisionBegan3d: function¶
Callback for the
event, which is called when a collision occurs with a physics3d.body attached to this entity
Simulation Callbacks
- update: function¶
Callback for the
event, which is called on all active entities once per frame. Thedt
parameter passes the delta time of the enclosing scene for this frame
- fixedUpdate: function¶
Callback for the
event, which is called on all active entities once per fixed update (called a fixed number of times per second). Thedt
parameter passes the fixed delta time of the enclosing scene
Interaction Callbacks
- touched: function¶
Callback for the
event, which is called whenever a touch occurs (in response to user interaction)During the
phase of an incomming touch, returning true from this function will capture the touch for all subsequent events, otherwise the touch will be lost
- hitTest: boolean [default = false]¶
Enables hit testing for the
event, which will filter touches based on collision checks using attached physics components on the main camera