
Checkers Shader :3
function setup()
   solid = shader([[
      #version 430
      #include <codea/common.glsl>

      layout (location = POSITION) in vec3 a_position;
      layout (location = TEXCOORD0) in vec2 a_texcoord0;

      out vec2 uv;

      void main()
         gl_Position = u_modelViewProj * vec4(a_position, 1.0);
         uv = a_texcoord0;

      #version 430
      #include <codea/common.glsl>

      in vec2 uv;
      out vec4 FragColor;

      void main()
         vec2 c = floor(uv * 10);
         float d = mod(c.x + c.y, 2);
         FragColor = vec4(vec3(d), 1);

function draw()
   sprite(solid, WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2, 200, 200)
class shader

A special program that runs per vertex/pixel for drawing and compute operations on the GPU

In Codea shaders can be used in various places to customise rendering including meshes, entities, sprites, backgrounds and post processing effects

static shader(vertexSource, fragmentSource)

The simplist form of shader creation, both the vertex and fragment sources are provided directly without any additional settings

This is useful for fairly basic shaders

static shader(shaderDefinition)

A more advanced form of shader creation, with many more options that can be tailored for specific use-cases

static compute(source)

Create a compute shader without any extra settings

static read(asset)

Read a shader asset from the filesystem

setOption(name, on)
dispatch(wx, wy, wz)
dispatchIndirect(indirectBuffer, start, num)
class builder

Shader Builder is a fluent syntax built on top of the surface shaders system for quick and convenient shader experimentation

checkers = shader.builder()
   :vec2{"size", value = vec2(10, 10)}
   :color{"colorA", value =}
   :color{"colorB", value = color.white}
      vec2 uv = getUV0();
      uv = floor(uv * size);
      float c = mod(uv.x + uv.y, 2);
      material.baseColor = mix(colorA, colorB, c);
class buffer
static buffer(layout[, size])

Create a GPU buffer based on a layout

myBuffer = shader.buffer(layout)


Resize the buffer


Clear the buffer

append(attribute1, value1, attribute2, value2[, ...])

Append a new element to the buffer using pairs of attributes and values

class indexBuffer
static indexBuffer(type[, size])

Create a GPU index buffer (array of unsigned integers). Usually used for mesh primitive indices

myBuffer = shader.indexBuffer(shader.indexBuffer.i32|i16)

Buffer type can be 32 bit (shader.indexBuffer.i32) or 16 bit (shader.indexBuffer.i16)


Resize the buffer


Clear the buffer

append(i1, i2, i3, ...)

Appends multiple elements to the buffer

class bufferLayout

Represents the layout of a shader buffer, used to store arrays of structured data within a shader

static bufferLayout(definition)

Create a new buffer layout using a definition table

The buffer layout will need to match the target shader struct layout exactly in order to work with calls to shader:setBuffer()

updatePosVel = shader.compute
   #version 430
   #include <codea/common.glsl>

   struct Instance
      vec4 position;

   BUFFER_RW(instances, Instance, BUFFER0);

   uniform uint instanceCount;

   NUM_THREADS(64, 1, 1)
   void main()
      uint id = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
      if (id < instancesCount)
         instances[id].position = vec4(0,1,2,3);

function setup()
   layout = shader.bufferLayout{ {shader.position, 4, shader.float} }

   buffer = shader.buffer(layout)
   for i = 1, 10000 do
      local posVel = vec4()
      posVel.x = math.random(0, WIDTH)
      posVel.y = math.random(0, HEIGHT)
      posVel.z = math.random() * 0.5 - 0.5
      posVel.w = math.random() * 0.5 - 0.5
      buffer:append(shader.position, posVel)
   updatePosVel:setBuffer("instancesBuffer", buffer)
   updatePosVel.instanceCount = posVel.size

The buffer definition table contains is an array of tables, each one containing the following format:

{attribute, count, type[, normalized]}

Each attribute maps to a field in the buffer struct to a specific type, where count maps to scalar and vector types respectively


  • position

  • normal

  • tangent

  • bitangent

  • color0..3

  • indices

  • weight

  • texcoord0..9


  • uint8

  • uint10

  • int16

  • half

  • float

size: integer

The current size of the buffer


Resize the buffer to a given size


Clear the buffer