
Casts a light source onto the 3D environment. Can be used with basic immediate mode rendering or as an entity component in scenes

Using a light as a component in a scene
function setup()
   -- Create a basic scene with a single directional light source
   scn = scene()
   sun = scn:entity("sun")
   sun.eulerRotation = vec3(45, 45, 0)
   sunLight = sun:add(light.directional(vec3(0,-1,0)))
   sunLight.castShadows = true

   -- Add a model to represent the sun
   sun.material = material.unlit()
   sun.material.color = color.yellow

   sun.position = vec3(0,3,0)


   cam = scn:entity("camera")
   cam.z = -10

   -- Some stuff to light
   sphere = scn:entity("sphere")

   ground = scn:entity("ground")
   ground.y = -1
   ground.uniformScale = 10

   scene.main = scn
class light
static directional([direction])

Create a new directional light

static point([position])

Create a new positional light

note: currently not supported by the renderer

static spot([position, direction])

Create a new positional light

note: currently not supported by the renderer

static push(light)

Pushes a light source onto the rendering stack

This will apply basic lighting to 3D objects with lit materials after the light has been pushed but will not support advanced features such as shadows

static pop()

Pops a light source from the rendering stack

static clear()

Clears all lights from the rendering stack

type: enum

Get/set the type of light. Possible values are:



  • SPOT


intensity: number

The intensity of the light source

color: color

The color of the light source

castShadows: boolean

Enables/disables shadow casting. Cascaded shadow mapping works for a single directional light source

note: shadows currently only work with directional lights

shadowOptions: light.shadowOptions [readonly]

Get the shadow options for this light

note: shadows currently only work with directional lights

class shadowOptions
cascades: integer

The number of shadow cascades to used in rendering. The maximum number of cascades is 5

size: integer

The size of the cascade textures to use when rendering. High values result in more detailed shadows at the cost of memory and rendering performance

constantBias: number

This attribute represents the constant bias applied to the depth values during shadow map comparisons. It helps in reducing self-shadowing artifacts by offsetting the comparison depth slightly. The default value is set to 0.001

normalBias: number

This attribute denotes the normal bias applied during shadow map comparisons. Normal bias helps in mitigating surface acne by adjusting the depth comparison based on surface normals. The default value is set to 0.1

far: number

The far clipping plane distance for the shadow map rendering. It defines the maximum distance up to which shadows will be calculated. The default value is set to 0.0, implying no limit by default

nearHint: number

A hint for the near clipping plane distance for shadow map rendering. It suggests the minimum distance from the camera to start shadow map calculations efficiently. The default value is set to 1

farHint: number

Similar to ‘nearHint’, this provides a hint for the far clipping plane distance for shadow map rendering. It suggests the maximum distance from the camera for efficient shadow map calculations. The default value is set to 100

polygonOffsetConstant: number [default = 0.5]

This represents the constant factor used in polygon offset calculations. It adjusts the depth values of rendered polygons to resolve depth fighting issues. The default value is set to 0.5

polygonOffsetSlope: number [default = 2.0]

Denotes the slope factor used in polygon offset calculations. It works in conjunction with the constant factor to provide precise depth adjustments for polygons. The default value is set to 2.0