Module for accessing input devices such as touches, keyboard, mouse and gamepads
- class touch¶
Represents a single touch over time. Generated in response to touch events by the device in response to user interactions
- id: number
An id that can be used to uniquely identify the touch
- state: enum
The current state of the touch, can be:
- the touch began this frameMOVING
- the touch moved this frameENDED
- the touch ended this frameCANCELLED
- the touch was cancelled (usually by another view or gesture recognizer)
- type: enum
The type of touch, can be:
- a touch resulting from direct contact with the screentouch.indirect
- a touch that does not result from direct contact with the screentouch.pencil
- a touch resulting from the penciltouch.pointer
- a touch resulting from a button based device
- x: number
The x position of the touch (in screen coordinates)
- y: number
The y position of the touch (in screen coordinates)
- prevX: number
The previous x position of the touch (in screen coordinates)
- prevY: number
The previous y position of the touch (in screen coordinates)
- deltaX: number
The x position delta of the touch (in screen coordinates)
- deltaY: number
The y position delta of the touch (in screen coordinates)
- pos: vec2
The position of the touch (in screen coordinates) as a vector
- prevPos: vec2
The previous position of the touch (in screen coordinates) as a vector
- delta: number
The position delta of the touch (in screen coordinates) as a vector
- force: number
The amount of force being applied (only applies to pencil type touches)
- maxForce: number
The maximum amount of force that can be applied (only applies to pencil type touches)
- timestamp: number
The time when this touch event occured (only applies to pencil type touches)
- azimuth: number
The azimuth angle of the pencil (only applies to pencil type touches)
- altitude: number
The altitude angle of the pencil
- radiusTolerance: number
The amount the estimated radius can vary due to hardware tolerances
- radius: number
The estimated radius of the touch
- precisePos: vec2
The precise location of the touch (if available)
- precisePrevPos: vec2
The previous precise location of the touch (if available)
- class gesture¶
Represents a single gesture event
- state: enum¶
The current state of the gesture
- location: vec2¶
The location of the gesture event on the screen
- translation: vec2¶
The translation of the gesture event relative to its starting location
- delta: vec2¶
The delta of the gesture event since last update
- pinchScale: number¶
The scale of a pinch gesture relative to its starting distance
- pinchDelta: number¶
The delta of the pinch distance since last update
- pinchVelocity: number¶
The current change in pinch distance over time
- rotationAngle: number¶
The current angle of a rotation gesture relative to its’ starting angle
- rotationVelocity: number¶
The current change in rotation angle over time
- touchCount: integer¶
The current number of touches associated with this gesture
- class gesture.tap¶
Tap gesture recognizer (using system gesture recognizer for implementation)
- static gesture.tap(callback[, minTouches = 1, maxTouches = 1])¶
Creates and registers a new tap gesture recognizer that will call
when recognized
- enabled: boolean¶
Enables/disables this gesture recognizer
- class gesture.pan¶
Pan gesture recognizer (using system gesture recognizer for implementation)
- static gesture.pan(callback[, minTouches = 1, maxTouches = 1])¶
Creates and registers a new pan gesture recognizer that will call
when recognized
- enabled: boolean¶
Enables/disables this gesture recognizer
- class gesture.pinch¶
Pinch gesture recognizer (using system gesture recognizer for implementation)
- static gesture.pinch(callback)¶
Creates and registers a new pinch gesture recognizer that will call
when recognized
- enabled: boolean¶
Enables/disables this gesture recognizer
- class gesture.rotation¶
Rotation gesture recognizer (using system gesture recognizer for implementation)
- static gesture.rotation(callback)¶
Creates and registers a new rotation gesture recognizer that will call
when recognized
- enabled: boolean¶
Enables/disables this gesture recognizer
- key.pressing(keyCode)¶
Queries whether the key is currently being pressed this frame
- Parameters:
keyCode (
) – The keyCode to query- Returns:
Is the key being pressed this frame
- Return type:
- key.wasPressed(keyCode)¶
Queries whether the key is was pressed down this frame
- Parameters:
keyCode (
) – The keyCode to query- Returns:
Was the key pressed down this frame
- Return type:
- key.wasReleased(keyCode)¶
Queries whether the supplied key code was released this frame
- Parameters:
keyCode (
) – The keyCode to query- Returns:
Was the key released this frame
- Return type:
- key.modifiers()¶
Queries the current key modifiers as a bit field, which is composed of the following bit mask constants:
Use key.pressing(keyCode) to query individual keys such as key.leftAlt.
- key.modifiersPressed(modifiers)¶
Queries whether the supplied key modifiers are currently pressed
- Parameters:
modifiers (
) – The key modifiers to query as a bit field- Returns:
Are the key modifiers currently pressed
- Return type:
Constants - Key Codes¶
- leftAlt: const¶
- rightAlt: const¶
- alt: const¶
- leftCtrl: const¶
- rightCtrl: const¶
- ctrl: const¶
- leftCmd: const¶
- rightCmd: const¶
- cmd: const¶
- leftShift: const¶
- rightShift: const¶
- shift: const¶
- esc: const¶
- return: const¶
- tab: const¶
- space: const¶
- backspace: const¶
- up: const¶
- down: const¶
- left: const¶
- right: const¶
- insert: const¶
- delete: const¶
- home: const¶
- end: const¶
- pageup: const¶
- pagedown: const¶
- print: const¶
- plus: const¶
- minus: const¶
- leftbracket: const¶
- rightbracket: const¶
- semicolon: const¶
- quote: const¶
- comma: const¶
- period: const¶
- slash: const¶
- backslash: const¶
- nonUSBackslash: const¶
- tilde: const¶
- f1: const¶
- f2: const¶
- f3: const¶
- f4: const¶
- f5: const¶
- f6: const¶
- f7: const¶
- f8: const¶
- f9: const¶
- f10: const¶
- f11: const¶
- f12: const¶
- numpad0: const¶
- numpad1: const¶
- numpad2: const¶
- numpad3: const¶
- numpad4: const¶
- numpad5: const¶
- numpad6: const¶
- numpad7: const¶
- numpad8: const¶
- numpad9: const¶
- num0: const¶
- num1: const¶
- num2: const¶
- num3: const¶
- num4: const¶
- num5: const¶
- num6: const¶
- num7: const¶
- num8: const¶
- num9: const¶
- a: const¶
- b: const¶
- c: const¶
- d: const¶
- e: const¶
- f: const¶
- g: const¶
- h: const¶
- i: const¶
- j: const¶
- k: const¶
- l: const¶
- m: const¶
- n: const¶
- o: const¶
- p: const¶
- q: const¶
- r: const¶
- s: const¶
- t: const¶
- u: const¶
- v: const¶
- w: const¶
- x: const¶
- y: const¶
- z: const¶
- class gamepad
- all: table<gamepad>¶
A list of all currently connected gamepads
- current: gamepad¶
The current main active gamepad (or nil if none connected)
- virtual: gamepad.virtualGamepad¶
Gets or creates a virtual gamepad which will substitute on-screen controls if no controller is currently connected
- connected: function(gamepad)¶
Callback for when a gamepad is connected
- disconnected: function(gamepad)¶
Callback for when a gamepad is disconnected
- leftShoulder: gamepad.button¶
The left shoulder button
- rightShoulder: gamepad.button¶
The right shoulder button
- leftTrigger: gamepad.button¶
The left trigger
- rightTrigger: gamepad.button¶
The right trigger
- dpad: gamepad.directionalPad¶
- leftStick: gamepad.directionalPad¶
- rightStick: gamepad.directionalPad¶
- leftStickButton: gamepad.button¶
- rightStickButton: gamepad.button¶
- a: gamepad.button¶
- b: gamepad.button¶
- x: gamepad.button¶
- y: gamepad.button¶
- home: gamepad.button¶
- options: gamepad.button¶
- touchpadButton: gamepad.button¶
- touchpadSurface: gamepad.directionalPad¶
- touchpadSurface: gamepad.directionalPad
- batteryLevel: number¶
- batteryState: const¶
- light: color¶