A module for setting the current matrices used with various graphics functions in Codea
- matrix.push()¶
- matrix.pop()¶
- matrix.reset()¶
Functions for manipulating the matrix stack, use these when you want to temporarily change current space-transform for drawing operations
- matrix.model()¶
- matrix.model(matrix)
Gets/sets the model matrix used to transform from local to world space
- matrix.view()¶
- matrix.view(matrix)
Gets/sets the view matrix used to transform from world to view space (generally controlled by cameras)
- matrix.projection()¶
- matrix.projection(matrix)
Gets/sets the projection matrix, used for final projection (i.e. othro and perspective projection)
- matrix.transform2d(x, y[, sx = 1, sy = 1, r = 0])¶
Apply a generic 2D transform to the model matrix
- matrix.transform3d(x, y, z, sx, sy, sz, rx, ry, rz)¶
Apply a generic 3D transform to the model matrix
- matrix.translate(x, y[, z])¶
Translate the current model matrix
- matrix.rotate(quat)¶
- matrix.rotate(angle, x, y, z)
Rotate the current model matrix
- matrix.scale(x, y[, z])¶
Scale the current model matrix
- matrix.ortho()¶
Set the projection matrix to ortho using the device screen settings (i.e. coordinates range
[0, 0]
- matrix.ortho(height)
Sets an orthographic projection matrix
units high, using the aspect ratio of the screen to set the width- Parameters:
height – The height of the orthographic projection
- matrix.ortho(left, right, bottom, top[, near, far])
Sets an orthographic projection matrix using the supplied edge values
- matrix.perspective(fov, aspect, near, far])¶
Sets a perspective projection matrix